Known worldwide
EVA LED candle lighting has been used worldwide in various projects. The LED candles sparkle in Paushuize in Utrecht, an entertainment park in Florida and the Gravenzaal of the town hall in Haarlem. A detailed description of these projects can be found below. The EVA LED Candle is also installed at the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung in Munich and Würzburg, The Tower of London and several locations of Rijksvastgoedbedrijf Nederland.
Gravenzaal town hall – Haarlem
After 650 years, the town hall in Haarlem said goodbye to its last real candles in late 2016. The direct cause for the renovation was the farewell dinner held in honour of mayor Bernt Schneiders in the stately Gravenzaal. The organisation of this farewell dinner suggested lighting the candles in the chandeliers during this dinner. However, this proved to be easier said than done.
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Entertainment park – Florida
The EVA LED Candle is part of a big show in an entertainment park in Florida (USA). The organisation of this show had been looking for quality LED candles, which were as identical as possible to authentic candles in terms of look and light colour, for quite some time. The EVA LED Candle appeared to be the perfect solution.
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Paushuize – Utrecht
In this beautiful historical building in Utrecht, multiple chandeliers were equipped with EVA LED Candles in early 2016. The antique chandeliers were supposed to be restored to their original state as much as possible. That is how the demand arose for candles that look identical to wax candles, but with the warm light colour and light output of bulbs.
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